Hello Mushrooms – Your status is confirmed

So once was a young lad named Zuckerberg

Who started a gig called Faceyourberg

He shafted his mates

He’s still shafting us all

He’s now known worldwide as Fuckerberg

It’s official. Little Marky F has given the middle finger to print media outlets in Australia that ah Nup, we can steal your hard earned journalistic work for free anyway, so nup, we’s ain’t paying youse a cent for stealing your content.

And anyway, who cares about original journalism when Facebook’s only goal is to get you angry and grow that anger about anything that is divisive so you keep on shouting at the screen and keep on connecting and keep on buying shit from our advertisers.

Simple really.

Morals, ethics, being a responsible citizen in a time of existential crisis?

Nup. That’s for starving, woke journalists. And may there be many more of them.

And also, you wankers, my mate, Mr Murdoch is probably a bit peeved because he dominates regional news in Australia, and won’t get any more of my hard earned dollars.

But on the other hand he’ll be pleased because my simple flick of the switch to shut off FB News in Australia, or was it Austria, will help drive most of Rupert’s regional competitors out of business.

And it cost me three fifths of five eights of f*ck all! Hahaha etc.

Time out.

This news today was not unexpected.

And to this writer who brought The Guardian to Australia and was instrumental in the formation of the International Consortium of Independent Journalists (ICIJ) whose ground- breaking investigative reporting have exposed corruption on a grand scale across the world, this is a blib.


It kinda gets down to the form versus function debate.

On Bondi Beach the eyes follow the form.

Somewhere I remember the suggestion that “the meek will inherent the earth”. Sure. Not this week.

Hopefully, you are not screaming at your FB screen.

Or if you are, please accept my invitation to visit Spring Bay Mill, where the women are strong, the men are good looking and the children are all above average 


Tourists – love ‘em we do?


Performance Story Telling: How to cut through the noise